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Ridley has been creating spaces for the pursuit of biblical wisdom for over one hundred years
We have trained thousands of students since our foundation in 1881—students who have served the Lord faithfully, going on to preach the good news, mediate peace, start global movements, and serve countless local communities
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By donating to Ridley Hall, you are supporting bursaries, facility maintenance, research projects, and support staff—all of which, in turn, support the formation of our students and our ability to contribute as an impactful theological voice both nationally and around the world. Your contribution helps us continue our mission of providing theological education
Student Bursaries
Maintaining our Beautiful Campus and Facilities
Research Projects
"Ridley was my best opportunity to be supported with my learning differences. To be in a prayerful, Jesus-focused community has been really important."
"Although I no longer directly work in ministry, Ridley gave me tools I use in my job as a Comms Manager, tools that empower me to work wisely and strategically with large numbers of people."
"Ridley Hall is one of the great institutions of the Church of England."
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